8 Great Interview Questions to Help You Find the Right Candidate

Interview Questions

Finding the right candidate for a position is crucial to the success of any organization. Interviews are not just about verifying qualifications but about understanding a candidate’s work ethic, values, and ability to contribute meaningfully to the company’s culture. Crafting thoughtful and purposeful questions is key to uncovering these deeper insights.

Here are eight great interview questions, along with what they reveal about a candidate, to help you identify the best fit for your team:

1) Do you have written goals you want to accomplish, and if so, tell me about them?

This question gives you a window into a candidate’s level of maturity, focus, and planning abilities. Written goals reflect intentionality. Candidates who actively set and track their goals tend to demonstrate self-awareness and a desire for achievement. This question will help you assess whether they have a long-term vision for themselves, both professionally and personally.

Clarity of goals Are the goals well-defined, or do they seem vague?
Achievement mindset Does the candidate express ambition and drive to reach milestones?
Self-discipline Setting written goals shows someone who can map out a plan and follow through.

A candidate who can articulate concrete goals indicates they are likely to possess the maturity and focus needed for strategic roles. Furthermore, those who demonstrate an understanding of how these goals align with the company’s mission show a keen desire for both personal and organizational success.

2) How did you earn your first paycheck, how old were you, and what did you do with the money?

This question probes a candidate’s early work ethic and values around money and responsibility. The first job experience is often a formative one, shaping attitudes toward work. How they describe this experience can give you insights into their motivation, work ethic, and financial responsibility from a young age.

Work ethic Did they start working young, and what was their attitude toward earning money?
Resourcefulness Did they take any initiative to find their first job?
Value of money What they did with their first earnings reflects their sense of responsibility and priorities.

For example, a candidate who worked during high school to save for college tuition demonstrates diligence, responsibility, and long-term thinking. On the other hand, someone who used their first earnings frivolously might reveal a different set of priorities.

3) What are the top three leadership traits that you look for in a manager?

This question helps you understand a candidate’s expectations of leadership and their preferred management style. Everyone thrives under different types of leadership, and understanding how a candidate views an effective leader can help you gauge if they will mesh with the existing management team.

Self-awareness Does the candidate recognize the type of management style that brings out their best work?
Alignment with company culture Do their expectations match the leadership approach within your organization?
Leadership insight Their answer provides insight into how they might lead, should they take on leadership responsibilities.

For instance, a candidate who values transparency and empowerment might perform better under a hands-off leader who encourages autonomy. Conversely, someone who seeks constant feedback might prefer a more involved manager.

4) Have you ever failed at something, and if so, why did you fail and what did you learn from the experience?

This is a classic question that dives deep into the candidate’s resilience, accountability, and growth mindset. Everyone experiences failure, but how a person handles it speaks volumes about their character and ability to persevere in difficult situations.

Accountability Does the candidate take ownership of their mistakes or shift blame?
Resilience How do they bounce back from failure? Do they demonstrate a growth mindset?
Learnings What did they take away from the experience, and have they applied these lessons since?

A strong candidate will openly discuss their failures, showing that they see them as opportunities for growth. This question also sheds light on how the candidate deals with challenges in high-pressure situations.

5) Everyone has strengths and weaknesses as employees. What are your strong points for this position?

This question is designed to let the candidate highlight their key skills and how they perceive their fit for the role. It gives them a chance to demonstrate self-confidence while also revealing whether they’ve thoroughly researched the job.

Relevant skills Does the candidate’s strengths align with the key responsibilities of the position?
Confidence Can they talk confidently about their abilities without coming off as arrogant?
Preparation A well-prepared candidate will tailor their strengths to the role they are applying for.

The answer should give you a sense of how well the candidate’s abilities match your organizational needs and how well they see themselves fitting into your team.

6) What is the one thing you would improve about yourself?

This question tests the candidate’s self-assessment skills and willingness to work on personal and professional development. People who are aware of their weaknesses and are actively trying to improve often make better long-term hires.

Honesty Is the candidate willing to acknowledge areas of weakness?
Growth mindset Are they taking steps to improve this aspect of themselves?
Alignment with role Does their area for improvement align with what your team can support?

A candidate who gives a thoughtful response, particularly one that aligns with the role’s challenges, is likely someone who is constantly striving to better themselves.

7) Other than family members, who has been the greatest influence in your life and why?

This question is designed to provide insight into the candidate’s values, motivations, and sources of inspiration. Knowing what influences them can also help you determine whether their values are in sync with the culture of your organization.

Values and principles What qualities in others does the candidate admire?
Inspiration sources Does their chosen influence relate to work ethic, perseverance, or creativity?
Personal connection How deep is the candidate’s connection to this person’s influence?

Understanding who or what motivates a candidate can provide valuable insight into what drives their decision-making and aspirations.

8) If you were to fail in this business, what do you think the reason would be?

This is a tough, forward-thinking question that pushes the candidate to consider their vulnerabilities in a realistic light. It can reveal self-awareness and their ability to foresee challenges.

Self-awareness Can the candidate honestly evaluate potential pitfalls in their professional life?
Critical thinking How well do they anticipate challenges?
Openness to change Are they prepared to adjust course to avoid failure?

This question can reveal much about the candidate’s ability to manage uncertainty and adapt in dynamic environments.


These eight questions are designed to provide a comprehensive view of a candidate’s values, work ethic, and personality. They explore into a range of attributes, from self-awareness and leadership potential to resilience and cultural fit. While no interview process is perfect, these questions offer a solid foundation for determining whether a candidate is the right fit for your organization.

Good luck in your interview process!

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