TOEFL Vocabulary Practice Test Set 11 - 40 Questions (401 to 440)

401. At the heart of a comer's coma lies a nucleus of solid material, typically no more than 10 kilometers across.

The word "heart" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) center
  • (B) edge
  • (C) tail
  • (D) beginning

Answer - A

402. The most graphic proof that the grand spectacle of a comet develops from a relatively small and inconspicuous chunk of ice and dust was the close-up image obtained in 1986 by the European Giotto probe of the nucleus of Halley's Comet.

The word "graphic" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) mathematical
  • (B) popular
  • (C) unusual
  • (D) vivid

Answer - D

403. As a comet's orbit brings it closer to the Sun, first the coma grows, then two distinct tails usually form.

The word "distinct" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) visible
  • (B) gaseous
  • (C) separate
  • (D) new

Answer - C

404. Pheromones are substances that serve as chemical signals between members of the same species.

The word "serve" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) improve
  • (B) function
  • (C) begin
  • (D) rely

Answer - B

405. Pheromones are the predominant medium of communication among insects (but rarely the solemethod) . Some species have simple pheromone systems and produce only a few pheromones, but others produce many with various functions.

The word "sole" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) obvious
  • (B) best
  • (C) only
  • (D) final

Answer - C

406. Some species, such as ants, seem to be very articulate creatures, but their medium of communication is difficult for humans to study and appreciate because of our own olfactory insensitivity and the technological difficulties in detecting and analyzing there pheromones.

The word " detecting " is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) controlling
  • (B) storing
  • (C) questioning
  • (D) finding

Answer - D

407. Aphids, which are particularly vulnerable to predators because of their gregarious habits and sedentary nature, secrete an alarm pheromone when attacked that causes nearby aphids to respond by moving away.

The word "sedentary" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) inactive
  • (B) inefficient
  • (C) unchangeable
  • (D) unbalanced

Answer - A

408. These innovations in manufacturing boosted output and living standards to an unprecedented extent;the average per capita wealth increased by nearly 1 percent per year- 30 percent over the course of a generation.

The word "boosted" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) ensured
  • (B) raised
  • (C) arranged
  • (D) discouraged

Answer - B

409. Since the 1790's, North American entrepreneurs --- even without technological improvements --- had broadened the scope of the outwork system that made manufacturing more efficient by distributing materials to a succession of workers who each performed a single step of the production process.

The word "scope" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) value
  • (B) popularity
  • (C) extent
  • (D) diversity

Answer - C

410. As early as 1782 the prolific Delaware inventor Oliver Evans had built a highly automated, laborsaving flour mill driven by water power.

The word "prolific" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) efficient
  • (B) productive
  • (C) self-employed
  • (D) progressive

Answer - B

411. This new technology enabled them to build factories in the Nation's largest cities, taking advantage of urban concentrations of inexpensive labor, Good transportation networks, and eager customers.

The word "eager" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) wealthy
  • (B) knowledgeable
  • (C) regular
  • (D) enthusiastic

Answer - D

412. Small, both in format and number of pages, they were generally bound simply, in board(a form of cardboard) or merely stitched in paper wrappers (a sewn antecedent of modern-day paperbacks) .

The word "antecedent" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) predecessor
  • (B) format
  • (C) imitation
  • (D) compontent

Answer - A

413. By far, the most appealing publishing investments were to be found in small books that had proven to be steady sellers, providing a reasonably reliable source of income for the publisher.

The word "appealing" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) dependable
  • (B) respectable
  • (C) enduring
  • (D) attractive

Answer - D

414. Almanacs, annual publications that contained information on astronomy and weather patterns arranged according to the days, week, and months of a given year, provided the perfect steady seller because their information pertained to the locale in which they would be used.

The word "locale" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) topic
  • (B) season
  • (C) interest
  • (D) place

Answer - D

415.What unusual or unique biological train led to the remarkable diversification and unchallenged success of the ants for over 50 million years?

The word "unique" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) inherited
  • (B) habitual
  • (C) singular
  • (D) natural

Answer - C

416. The answer appears to be that they were the first group of predatory ensocial insects that both lived and foraged primarily in the soil and in rotting vegetation on the ground.

The word "rotting" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) decaying
  • (B) collected
  • (C) expanding
  • (D) cultivated

Answer - A

417. Richly organized colonies of the kind made possible by eusociality enjoy several key advantages over solitary individuals.

The word "key" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) uncommon
  • (B) important
  • (C) incidental
  • (D) temporary

Answer - B

418. Composers today use a wider variety of sounds than ever before, including many that were once considered undesirable noises.

The word "wider" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) more impressive
  • (B) more distinctive
  • (C) more controversial
  • (D) more extensive

Answer - D

419. Non-Western music typically divides and interval between two pitches more finely than Western music does, thereby producing a greater number of distinct tones, or microtones, within the same interval.

The word "thereby" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) in return for
  • (B) in spite of
  • (C) by the way
  • (D) by that means

Answer - D

420. The population of Los Angeles (114,000 in 1900) rose spectacularly in the early decades of the twentieth century, increasing a dramatic 1,400 percent from 1900 to 1930. A number of circumstances contributed to themeteoric rise of Los Angeles.

The word "meteoric" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) rapid
  • (B) famous
  • (C) controversial
  • (D) methodical

Answer - A

421. The downtown business district did not grow apace with the city as a whole, and the rapid transit system designed to link the center with outlying areas withered away from disuse.

The phrase "apace with" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) anew with
  • (B) apart from
  • (C) as fast as
  • (D) at the middle of

Answer - C

422. After the 1870's, a number of important authors began to reject the romanticism that had prevailed immediately following the Civil War of 1861-1865 and turned instead to realism.

The word "prevailed" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) dominated
  • (B) transformed
  • (C) entered
  • (D) generalized

Answer - A

423. Realists such as Joel Chandler Harris and Ellen Glasgow depicted life in the South; Hamlin garland described life on the Great Plains; and Sarah Orne Jewett wrote about everyday life in rural New England.

The word "depicted" in line11 is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) emphasized
  • (B) described
  • (C) criticized
  • (D) classified

Answer - B

424. Theodore Dreiser, the foremost naturalist writer, in novels such as Sister Carrie, grimly portrayed a dark world in which human beings were tossed about by forces beyond their understanding or control.

The word "foremost" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) most difficult
  • (B) interesting
  • (C) most focused
  • (D) leading

Answer - D

425. Even in this current era of large scale, intensive research and development, the interrelationships involved in this process are frequently misunderstood.

The word "intensive" is closest in meaning to which of following?.

  • (A) decreased
  • (B) concentrated
  • (C) creative
  • (D) advanced

Answer - B

426. The widespread and usually uncritical acceptance of this thesis led in turn to the assumption that application of science to industrial purposes was a linear process, starting with fundamental science, then proceeding to applied science or technology, and through them to industrial use.

The word "assumption" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) understanding
  • (B) public awareness
  • (C) scientific knowledge
  • (D) expansion

Answer - A

427. The most thoroughly studied cases of deception strategies employed by groundnesting birds involve plovers, small birds that typically nest on beaches or in open fields, their nestsmerely scrapes in the earth.

The word "merely" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) often
  • (B) only
  • (C) usually
  • (D) at first

Answer - B

428. One technique involves first moving quietly toward an approaching animal and then setting off noisily through the grass or brush in a low, crouching run away from the nest, while emitting rodentlike squeaks.

The word "emitting" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) bringing
  • (B) attracting
  • (C) producing
  • (D) minimizing

Answer - C

429. The plover's most famous stratagem is the broken --- wing display, actually a continuum of injury --- mimicking behaviors spanning the range from slight disability to near - complete helplessness.

The word "spanning" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) covering
  • (B) selecting
  • (C) developing
  • (D) explaining

Answer - A

430. Few predators fail to pursue such obviously vulnerable prey. Needless to say, each short run between "flight attempts" is directed away from the nest.

The word "pursue" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) catch
  • (B) notice
  • (C) defend
  • (D) chase

Answer - D

431. Glass fibers were little more than a novelty until the 1930's, when their thermal and electrical insulating properties were appreciated and methods for producing continuous filaments were developed.

The word "appreciated" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) experienced
  • (B) recognized
  • (C) explored
  • (D) increased

Answer - B

432. The scarce fossils of the Proterozoic, mostly single-celled bacteria, provide little evidence in this regard. However, the rocks themselves do include the earliest evidence for glaciation, probably a global ice age.

The word "scarce" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) ancient
  • (B) tiny
  • (C) available
  • (D) rare

Answer - D

433. In 2.3-billion-year-old rocks in Canada near Lake Huron (dating from the early part of the Proterozoic age), there are thin laminae of fine-grained sediments that resemble varves, the annual layers of sediment deposited in glacial lakes.

The word "resemble" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) result from
  • (B) penetrate
  • (C) look like
  • (D) replace

Answer - C

434.Watching the behaviors diverse animal species in their natural habitats, Lorenz, and Tinbergen observed behavior patterns that promote survival.

The word "diverse" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) small
  • (B) varied
  • (C) wild
  • (D) particular

Answer - B

435. The most well-known of these is imprinting, the early following behavior of certain baby birds that ensures that the young will stay close to their mother and be fed and protected from danger.

The word "ensures" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) guarantees
  • (B) proves
  • (C) teaches
  • (D) assumes

Answer - A

436. It refers to a limited time span during which the child is biologically prepared to acquire certain adaptive behaviors but needs the support of suitably stimulating environment.

The word "suitably" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) willingly
  • (B) moderately
  • (C) appropriately
  • (D) emotionally

Answer - C

437. The development of attachment in human infants is a lengthy process involving changes in psychological structures that lead to a deep affectional tie between parent and baby.

The phrase "affectional tie" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) cognitive development
  • (B) emotional attachment
  • (C) psychological need
  • (D) behavioral change

Answer - B

438. Locke strongly suggested that individuals, while accepting their Americanism, take pride in their African ancestral arts and urged artists to look to Africa for substance and inspiration.

The word "urged" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) prepared
  • (B) defined
  • (C) permitted
  • (D) encouraged

Answer - D

439. From this unity created by the convergence of artists from various social and geographical backgrounds came a new spirit, which, particularly in densely populated Harlem, was to result in greater group awareness and self-determination.

The word "convergence" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) gathering
  • (B) promotion
  • (C) expression
  • (D) influence

Answer - A

440. African American graphic artists took their place beside the poets and writers of the Harlem Renaissance and carried on efforts to increase and promote the visual arts.

The phrase "carried on" is closest in meaning to which of following?

  • (A) continued
  • (B) praised
  • (C) transformed
  • (D) connected

Answer - A

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