Essay Sample 16

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You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Give reasons for your answers and include any relevant examples from your experience. Write at least 250 words. You have been asked to write about the following topic:

"Some people prefer to go to health clubs and gyms for health care, but some say that walking and climbing stairs are more effective. Discuss both and give your opinion."

These days people are becoming more and more health conscious, more inclined to develop health through physical exercise. Many go to gymnasiums to work out using machineries, while others just maintain a physically active lifestyle walking and climbing stairs. Both ways are effective.

Going to health clubs and gyms have become very popular lately. We, as humans, like to make occasions out of every prominent activity and distinguish physically locatable settings to observe such rituals. For example, we go to mosques, temples, churches to pray, highly decorated departmental stores for groceries, community centers to celebrate unions, restaurants to eat and lounges and cafés to hang out. And there are the overwhelmingly equipped bureaus for work. Going to gymnasiums to work out is, thus, a very consistent behavior. Apart from its spatial identity a health club has its intrinsic benefits also. The equipments and the guided environment there make exercising easier, and, hence, the recent popularity.

Some, on the other hand, find it impractical to make the time and go to a separate place to have physical exercise, and are bent on maintaining health by being physically active, not being conveniently lazy. They walk over to shortly distant places, rather than hiring transports, and briskly climb the staircase sometimes avoiding the elevator. This, in itself, has great advantages too. It, firstly, saves the additional time and expenditure needed to go to gyms. And, since this, once habituated, is barely distinguishable as a separate activity, we persevere at it even without knowing.

In my opinion, physical activity, integrated within the regular lifestyle is better than making a separate occasion out of it. Obviously, I am encouraged by the financial advantage of it. But, moreover, I believe in maintaining my health and hygiene in private, on my own, and within my everyday happenings.

In sum, going to health clubs and having physical activities in regular life, are both popular and have their own effectiveness. I believe the choice between the two is a matter of personal taste and affordability rather than comparative advantage.